Ce comori am gasit la targuri.

Toamna se numara bobocii… sau targurile bucurestene, iar eu va invit sa le descoperiti pentru ca serios, chiar se merita! Cu siguranta daca veti cauta cu atentie si cu rabdare, la targuri veti gasi niste lucruri foarte frumoase, la preturi foarte mici. Bonus: oamenii care frecventeaza aceste targuri sunt pasionati de moda, asa ca veti vedea, cu siguranta, outfituri din care va veti putea inspira si voi!

Eu am testat deja terenul si am inceput deja vanatoarea de comori. In ultimul weekend din luna august, am mers la targul Love Yard Sale. Micut, dragut, dar cu multe haine si accesorii numai bune de luat acasa. 

Am probat cateva rochii, si in final am plecat acasa cu o bluzita foarte frumoasa de la COS, pe care am dat doar 20 lei, si un inel fantezie, pe care am dat 8 lei.

 Daca sunteti curioase ce vindeau expozantii, sunt postate multe poze pe pagina de Facebook a evenimentului (aici). Si daca va tenteaza, vestea buna este ca urmatorul Love Yard Sale este la 2 weekenduri distanta, adica pe 17 si 18 septembrie, in aceiasi locatie, strada Mantuleasa nr 40, intre orele 10.30-17.30.

Ieri am mers la targul Stuff Sale, care a avut loc in Spatiul m60. Pentru ca m60 in sine este un loc cool, cu un vibe aparte, e de prisos sa spun ca si targul a avut acelasi vibe cool. Cafea buna, lume buna, si mai ales haine frumoase. 

Pe pagina de Facebook a evenimentului (aici) gasiti poze, dar ca sa va faceti o idee, am gasit spre vanzare: fuste Manoush (200 lei), vesta cu tinte Guess (50 lei), rochie Chanel (280 lei), rochie din jerseu Michael Kors (260 lei – era noua), pantofi Camper, ceas Swatch, cercei Swarovski, si multe alte comori ascunse. Laudabila aceasta initiativa, astept cu nerabdare, si aici, un BIS!

Eu am plecat acasa cu o rochita COS, pe care am dat 100 lei. O rochita asemanatoare, pe site, costa 80 euro.


Acestea fiind spuse, astept cu nerabdare urmatorul targ, iar daca sunteti interesate va anunt cu drag! 


sursa foto: paginile de facebook ale evenimentelor (link in text)

Friends you shouldn’t have around at shopping

Every time i plan on going shopping, i think carefully if i wanna go alone or not. Fact is that the items that i love most were bought in my alone sopping sessions. But i see shopping as a fun activity, and sometimes i go with a friend. When you pick a friend for this activity, be wise, and never pick one that you can easily include in the following patterns:

  1. The cheapskate. I think we both agree that you want to be relaxed when you go shopping, and that you don’t want to have a sent of guilt when you arrive home. If you decide to spend a lot on a pair of shoes by the time you will arrive home, you will just have your friend’s voice in your head saying: “these shoes cost a lot!!! do you really need them????”. There is a high chance that you will return the shoes. Don’t! Just don’t take that friend again with you when you go shopping.
  2. The diplomat. For me, this is the worst type of them all. Are any of these lines familiar to you: “I like it but it’s not my style” or “It’s pretty” or “It’s ok” or “If you really like it, you should buy it” or “It fits ok”? I really wonder why can’t they just say: “This shirt is ugly AF”, or “This dress makes you fat” or “This item makes you look cheap”? Sometimes we need a second opinion, but if the second opinion comes from the diplomat, it’s even worse than having no opinion at all. Never take this friend shopping!
  3. The style less friend. If, by mistake you have around you a friend/ an acquaintance that has no style whatsoever, or even worse, you’ve seen them wearing one of these epic fashion failures, please don’t take them shopping with you. Think about it: what if you have a moment of weakness and they convince you into spending precious money on a scrunchy?
  4. The judgmental friend. This can both two ways. It’s either the type of friend that doesn’t understand that you like an item from a mass selling store and judges you for buying cheap stuff, or the other way around – you get to be judged because you buy expensive items. Either way, it’s really unpleasant, don’t you think?

So, girls and boys, ladies and gentleman, cats and dogs, please make your shopping experience exciting, and shop wisely; shop with a wise friend.


Why “How to Organize Your Dressing” Type of Articles are BS


The truth is that we all think about that dream closet, where all your dresses are in a corner, each one on a separate hanger, the jackets as well, and all shoes are carefully put each one in its own distinctive place. And there are also the bags, that are placed on distinctive shelves, and even the belts and the scarves have their own space. Wouldn’t that be nice?

It is true that you wear what you SEE, but let me tell you something: 99% of the articles that teach you how to organize your closet are full of BS. Why? Because 99% percent of the people who have time to read them, do not afford a huge closet where you can actually place your clothes and accessories as you’d like.  Are you familiar with this type of articles? If you do, then you know that i am right: their pieces of advice are awesome, IF you have the space to put them in practice.

Truth being told, my items are pretty stuffed, even if every time i re-arrange/ declutter my closet i give away a lot of items, just to make more room. So here are a few tips from me.

  1. Try to practice your memory with the placement of the items in the closet, and mentally re-remember all the items that you own. Luckily i have a great memory, and i can remember every piece of clothing that i own, and approximately the area of the closet where i have the most probability to find it.
  2. Negotiate with your roommate the space in your closet. Extra tip: if you live with your boyfriend, you have an extra chance for more room.
  3. Extend your bags, jewelry, socks, etc outside the actual closet. Use boxes to do this. This being told, i have to confess that my socks are in a box in the bathroom, my scarves and gloves are in a huge box in the bookcase… and etc.

So if you have any tips, i am listening!

Photo: via Pinterest.com

Gifts you shouldn’t buy your boyfriend for Christmas

Christmas is a time of joy and happiness. It’s a time of giving and receiving and somehow, modern society forced us to make it one of the most commercial times of the year. Sad, but true… It is now that we remember we have to buy gifts and we like to believe that a present brings happiness. So, let’s make the best out of it, so try not to annoy your boyfriend with uninspired gifts. Here are some tips of what you should NOT buy:

  1. Teddy bears or other plush toys. Because he is not a kid anymore, therefore this present is useless.
  2. Any present that stresses a problem that he has, or something that bothers him. For instance, don’t buy him a deodorant if you know he has sweat issues. An anti dandruff shampoo is a no go as well. Sure it’s useful, but put yourself in his shoes.
  3. Christmas decorations. They simply don’t like them. In fact, most of the guys consider decorating the house and the Christmas tree a job for the woman in the household. And also, it’s a present that he will only see one week each year.
  4. Pajamas. For us, Romanians, this is a gift that was common in communism. I’m sure that as a kid, each one of you received pajamas from Santa. It’s very possible it reminds him of his childhood, and therefore his parents. It is a sort of turn off gift.
  5. Underwear. Simply because it is a very personal gift. It also leaves room for interpretation. Plus, it’s quite difficult to buy. Do you know exactly what he wears? Is it boxers, trunks or briefs? Hmmm?

My advice is to think about his hobbies, and try to buy something really personal. Does he enjoy reading? How about a bestseller and a really quality tea that will remind him of you on a cold winter day? Does he love music? Buy him a funky pair of headphones that he will use on a daily basis.

If he pays a lot of attention to his appearance, buy him a cool and qualitative clothing item such as a scarf or a pair of leather gloves.

Be inspired! Make him smile!

Merry Christmas, and a fat Santa to you, all!

Manna love … si un mic concurs

Pentru mine, recomandarile cosmetice merg doar prin testare. De curand,  o prietena mi-a facut cunostinta cu Manna. Mai exact, cu untul de shea organic cu lavanda & arbore de ceai. A fost dragoste la prima testare! Este un produs hranitor si bogat, care repara cea mai deshidratata si crapata piele. Sunt produse 100% naturale, si eu ii cred pe cuvant: au un placut miros de plante si avand in vedere ca am o piele foarte sensibila, nu mi-au cauzat nicio iritatie sau roseata.

Mi-am comandat niste sapunuri de pe siteul lor, de care sunt la fel de multumita. Sapunul carbune activ & ulei de masline face parte acum din rutina mea de ingrijire zilnica. Il folosesc dupa demachiere, si imi face tenul lucios si curat, ca o foaie de revista. It’s super cool!

Daca sunteti curioase ce bunatati au cei de la Manna, puteti sa le vedeti aici.

Si, gata cu povestitul. Este timpul ca cea mai norocoasa dintre voi sa aiba ocazia sa testeze doua produse marca Manna. Participa si tu la concursul de pe pagina de facebook, pe care il gasesti aici, si ai sansa sa castigi cele doua produse de ingrijire Manna 100% naturale si 100% minunate, chiar cele din poza de mai jos. Este vorba despre un sapun COCO si ciocolata pentru piele rezistenta si stralucutoare, si o apa florala cu musetel.

May luck shine on you!

The Green Hair Madness

Today, i am going to talk about one of the latest hair trends: green hair (or any other color for a fact).  What do i think about green hair? Well, i think it is awful. This is my opinion, and as far as I’m concerned, i live in a free country.

I am open to new trends, but everything that does not look natural, humanly and simple is not my thing, especially when it comes to hair, nails and make up. You don’t have to follow trends if they don’t fit your style and if they don’t manage to make a better version of you. For instance, the other day i saw a beautiful lady in the bus. Her make up was perfect, she was wearing a pretty good office outfit – heels included –  but she had lots of green locks in her platinum blonde hair. It suited her as a saddle suits a sow.

A lot of stars embraced this trend, which is a good thing – for them – because they have to stand out from the crowd. But don’t try to look like a pop star if you work front desk in a bank, for instance.

So in matters of hair color, keep it simple and classic. You won’t go wrong! So i will pin again Channel’s quote: “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

photo source: pinterest.com

Are you a style counselor or are you being style counseled?

What about your outfits? Do people appreciate them? Or do they criticize them? When it comes to fashion and trends, are you a role model for friends, or do you always look for advice?

If you are style-lost, or if you just think there is still room for improvement, just read these motivational lines:

  1. Never be discouraged about what others think. Maybe they are right, but what if they’re not? Analyze their critics, grunting and gossip, admit your mistakes – if any – and next time you’ll do better.
  2. It’s very important to be confident. Even if you think two items don’t necessarily match, wear them proud, and there is a slight chance that a non-connoisseur will not notice.
  3. Make the difference between solid critics and meanness. Being fashionable means making a statement. And if you do make a statement, it means that you are bold, you have an attitude. Some people just say mean things just to make you feel down. Start to learn the difference on your own terms.
  4. You can never be to overdressed, so try to focus and make the best out of your outfits, day by day.

Just play with shapes, colors, geometries, asymmetries, patterns, and realize what’s best for you: what color suits you better, which models fit your body shape. Fashion is like a game. Do you like to play?